it all comes down to cost and also maybe flow of guests.... but what a waste big up the return of much needed ride only to have the area closed off for two hours a day... way to go
they could close the kid zone for the first two hours instead, plus i still don't understand why they moved the kids twister which now needs it's own ride operator, if they out it back and have two people look after the kids zone that'll be better, as they can deal with two rides each, gusts would just have to wait a bit longer.
The Kids zone started off quite well but not they just spreading all the rides around they could enhance that those aria, and keep most of those rides in one section.
It's always the cracked ones that let the light in.
Yes, it looks good. I canr quite tell if the pale green is an undercoat or not? I'd like to hope so as it might look a bit odd having the track and supports the same colour.
Unlikely, it would be a Cellulose based product, once primed it would be applied straight on top.
This is how they did it when i painted the Rattlesnake. And the Green appears to have to much of a sheen for u/c.
Anyway, it's starting to take shape.
It's always the cracked ones that let the light in.
No pictures today, but I took a trip to the park yesterday, eggs-press station is coming along nicely, a lot of people looked to be working on it. I'd say exterior looks complete now, so should be open and ready to go on Saturday!
Just get yourself a woody costume and walk though the main gates.. and have a nose around, they wont say anything if they think it's the real Woody.......
It's always the cracked ones that let the light in.
Well they haven't finished it yet! looking great so far. I just hope the tunnel is painted black inside so it's dark.. no point having a tunnel other wise.
It's always the cracked ones that let the light in.
well i was hoping the tunnel would keep the farm theme instead of just being a round red thing. the station looks ok but they don't give us a proper look in that video clip. Just paint the inside of the tunnel.
It's always the cracked ones that let the light in.