I noticed the other day that all the rides now have new signs at their entrances. A massive improvement on the previous ride signs I must say.
But on a few of them, they stated "Fast track is not available on this attraction".... Yet the signs that didn't have that, didn't have anything else to say that is available, if that makes sense?
Could this be something that's going to be introduced next year? Or is this old news?
Iv'e had it once from the office when we pre booked, but other times we haven't. This year with a season pass there was no need to book really, but they seem to be appearing far more this year.
I think the rides with the worst capacity (hobs, enigma) don't have the option available and for good reason. I would be very irritated after waiting half an hour for enigma to have someone push in front of me and not have to wait. Maybe they where using them for trail runs so that's why they wherent available all the time.
I think the whole idea is silly for a this park, if it's unfair to use them on Enigma or Hobs due to how slow they are what's the point on using them on a ride where queues don't really stack up. I can't imaging the wait for Jolly or Fireball being that long.
It's always the cracked ones that let the light in.