Whilst it's great that they'll be integrating the train well with the theme, a little part of me feels these just won't fit in well with the park (despite looking great as a standalone attraction). Hopefully I'll be proved wrong when they're open though! :D
I completely get what you mean Juranamo. I've been thinking the same thing. PWH does have a nice natural feel to it, and something so futuristic could look out of place.
The roof is up and the area of the ride looks around the same size of a standard travelling one, as said before here I expect the train will form part of the que line and controls
It looks to me like the arena is set up like a circuit with a central curbed area. Possibly going for the racing feel of dodgems rather than the normal free for all smash up? Who knows.
That's a lot for what it is, considering that Brean got Astro Storm for 100,000 (four man bob coaster in the dark, formerly SI2 at Blackpool) it's a lot of money for Dodgems.
£80,000 can't surely be correct? They've been shafted if so! Its not a 'news breaking' addition and should have been spent on other things without a doubt. Some theming to the standard of timber falls for marble madness or enigma would have given the park a more professional image but no lets leave them generic, and bang another generic attraction (debatable) in there to go with it!
I guess it could be that much, they've been building it for the past few weeks and each worker will be pretty well paid and if there's several of them it all adds up, plus materials. plus the ride itself, plus the groundwork. and if some of it was contracted out, and plant hire. I can see where all that 80k went.
Still seems quite pricy though.
It's always the cracked ones that let the light in.