There is a list of nearby attractions, and PWH isn't featured on there!
Firstly, it should be and surely thats just a case of getting in touch with Travelodge to add it to the website (in return the park probably has to have some leaflets for the hotel in reception).
But then that got me thinking. Why aren't the two working together to help each other? The hotel should be advertising the park, and selling slightly discounted tickets to guests (even those that dont stay there for PWH, just offering discounted tickets to anyone that checks is still doing good for the park). And the other way around, the park could advertise the hotel as a form of accomodation on the website, as well maybe offering discounted vouchers for the hotel when you enter the park?
Though I guess it could be down to Travelodge's being the most budget of all budget hotels, and maybe the park doesn't want to be associated with them. If that is indeed the case, there's always the Premier Inn around the corner
Anyone noticed the massive Cliff Hotel advert on PWH's homepage? Again not a single mention of PWH on Cliff Hotel's website, not even in there local points of interest section! Surely PWH should create some 2 way advertising opportunities with their clients - and when it says package deals available I assumed that would be some park entry/room deals?