Just got back from an evening with Joe Larter. A really great evening with some lovely surprises. To those of you who were there I'm sorry I didn't say hello, I had to shoot to get my little girl.
Some really great info on how the park acquired what was referred to as "Steel thrill rides" which came from a dutch entertainments owner whose name escapes me. Some lovely photographs and some great videos too.
A nice little video from Voiceoverguy about his love of the park and the memorabilia that he has collected was shown and there was an edited performance of the Birthday Parade song with some added dialogue for the show tonight.
What I didn't realise is Mr Larter had a part to play in so many things from the local area and abroad with some great triumphs and some less successful ventures over the years. He was joined on stage by one of his children who read passages from his book. There was also some entertainment from a very funny fellow who spoke Narfak.
All in all it was an entertaining and interesting evening and a young boy, who is PWH's biggest fan, was bought up on stage and presented with a signed copy of Joe's book and a season pass for next season.
I was 10 minutes late so missed the start so not sure what happened before the 1980s promo video that was shown.
It was different but ok, could not hear him or his daughter that well at all times but yes to learn the start of the park and more on his life was very good. Little bit dissapointed that there was not more photos or a diffrent video along side the videos we saw a few weeks back.
Was good to see a photo of the sealife yarmouth all fresh and clean when it first opened too.
The video from voiceover guy looked to me as though it contained some of the missing maps and leaflets we need to complete our maps and leaflets section.....
Good to see Woody Sue there and there was more people there overall than I expected
Yes more photos would have been nice. There was a really great aerial photo of the park from the early days - I would like to see that again - hopefully the book goes into more detail about the park and it's goings on. It looks like a long book so I would imagine.
Looking back at the park back in the early days I really loved the miniature railway and the Amtrak trains. I'd love to see that restored to it's former glory one day.
This is it from the book but the resolution of print isn't great and it was difficult to scan plus annoyingly they have stuck a balloon over half of the hills. A high res one where we can zoom in on the hills would be great.
brilliant to see the old rail line much more prominent and where them cars are by the trees is now the start of the castle area and note there is no lake !!!
Nice little evening with a free Vino and munchies after...saw you Coolskin but you legged it before I could say hello. Ninja Josh I didn't see you there - In and out, no messing? ;)
Yeah Ben I had had to dash as my babysitter couldn't stay past 10! It was a bugger as I wanted to say hello. I did see you though Ben sporting a wonderful white tuxedo, quite the style master!!