A £150,000 upgrade is planned to the Enigma roller coaster ride while park operators are also satisfied they have now addressed noise issues with local planners surrounding the Wipe Out roller coaster ride following complaints from nearby residents.
Just noticed this in the story myself. It's great news and hopefully it does mean a second train and some decent theming! In fact £150,000 is a lot of money so I would expect something pretty decent! :)
^ Exactly. £150,000 on an upgrade for such a small coaster is mega money. I'd safely say we'll definitely be seeing more than one train, and then hopefully a new theme.
I'd like to see them go back to the mine train theme, but on a much better scale than Cannonball ever was. I mean with proper theming, a few real tunnels, nice effects etc. They CAN do it, they've proven that with Wipeout. So c'mon PWH, we've been very critical of you of late, surprise us!
Oh, and I'd now put good money on that clearing of the trees etc being for this.
I don't doubt it's all doable... it's just that everything has to be custom made. When something goes wrong with Wipeout (as has been proven), a fix is quick and easy because it's an off-the-shelf coaster model still in use across the world.
I do hope that the budget isn't all taken out to just improve maintenance of the ride, of course this work is essential to upgrading the experience, but I would hope that a good amount goes into improving the themeing aswell. Pleasurewood Hills have really upped there game recently by making there rides better themed, so hopefully Enigma will not be left out.
Remember, one of the trains have been repainted for this year, so I'd say a new look could well be on its way, and with the new look train resembling a mine train, here's to hoping it will be a MUCH better Cannonball Express Mk2!
Yes they've reverted back to the traditional mine train look whilst still keeping the Enigma name, I forgot about that. Here's hoping it is themed like a mine train with a decent themed station.
Quite a lot of things were talked about under CdA, but they then for some reason decided to not to bother investing in the park, ever again.
With Enigma, I would look to see some kind of old style western building in the centrer of the ride, so the angled drops drop into it, with some good head choppers. In fact, head choppers on every drop is must, even if its just the odd mangled bit of wood, with 'danger' written on it. Also one drop to be completely enclosed would be ace, say the third drop?
All elements like that would make Enigma a fantastic ride.
Oh, just remember something. Dont know if any of you can remember WAAY back in the day when there were 2 '?' trains on the track, well one on the transfer track ;). I remember asking the ride op that day why they were only using one train when the queue was so big (Saturday in July), and he said that they only run/ran two trains during the school 6 week summer holidays, apart from that, single train everyday. So, I hope this refurb isn't going to be a waste and they revert back to operating it like that again!
I am really excited to see what they do with this. I really hope they do a good job. I'm almost as excited about this as I am for the drop tower. 2012 should be a great season!
I agree with you Josh. It does look set to be a brilliant year for the park.
I just hope we don't hype up Enigmas refurbishment and find that it's all abit of an anti-climax. They did well with Timber Falls though, so I am hoping for some good quality stuff!
We dont actually have any confirmation on when Eingma's upgrade is taking place, I've only been guessing it is this year due to the clearing of them trees etc.
The park is now open everyday until September, so any changes through-out the season will now be put on hold.
Well, I'd assume this will happen in the off-season - maybe with this and the drop tower the area could be themed together somehow? As by the looks of the landscaping the queue for Enigma and the Drop Tower will presumably feed from the same path?
That is true... but the plans only showed the one site - and all the photos and application information only showed one site. Therefore I would assume that they only have permission for putting it exactly there.
I think it's because of the old re-paint of the track. Were the track a similar dusty brown colour it might work much better... yet this might be part of the renovations.
Looks awesome! I hope that the rest will match how good the train looks. And what ever happened to sound bites? I used to love the wild west voice saying "please keep your arms and legs inside the carriage". Added to the whole ride experience. One thing I noted when I last went to PWH in 09 was the lack of atmosphere down there. It was like being at a funeral!
Look at how much better the chassis looked when it was black. Also makes you see just how much better the new 'wooden' look is compared to how it was originally. It actually looks quite realistic how it is now.
-- Edited by Martyn on Tuesday 28th of June 2011 04:42:31 PM