Really!? I think it looks like a good size to be honest but it is hard to tell from the video. If it takes up the entire width of the castle then it's bound to be big enough!
Yeah the Labyrinth is the entire width of the castle. It's quite short because of the seat rake above but the more walls that go up the harder it's becoming to find your way out!
There are holes cut through some of the walls so if you're a fantastic shot, and time it just right, you could shoot someone from about 20m away and they won't have a clue who hit them!
Nope no idea on a price yet. I have suggested the Halloween idea (maybe even some live actors) to make it scary. I've already selected some scary music that I will hopefully be putting in there to create the mood!
Lots of photos on the facebook page. Its shaping up but i am still not convinced this is what the park needs.
Most quasars are a fiver a game. This to me is too much to pay whilst at a theme park. But then i hate additional cost rides. The jury is out on this one!
^ Well the normal Quasars are a single business, if you get what I mean, so they will charge the going rate, where as in a theme park, the main income is the entrance fee for the park, so they wouldn't need to charge so much. For example, £3 for the GoKarts at PWH, yet I bet you'll pay treble that at any Go-Kart centre.
Here is what Wikipedia sais about the new attraction.........
"For Pleasurewood Hills it means that the park will launch a host of new attractions over the coming months including a £2.80 indoor Laser Labyrinth game made from QD."
It doesn't say it any more, the up and down side of being able to edit Wikipedia. Hopefully the theme will add a new edge to the park. Having a different area with a different theme may be good!
A rustic castle look would be fine. The fake brick work used around Thirteens station looks really good and effective:
However, you're always going to find a problem with the exterior as theres a laser game underneath a castle. Getting something to fit both will be hard.
I think it would be cool if there was an area outside the laser labyrinth that was like an space ship air lock or maybe a walkway as if you are going to be transported into space with count down, maybe soundtracks from starwars and the terminator would be great.
If people could walk through the air lock area into the lobby of the labyrinth it would help to blend the attraction with the rest of the park.
imagine something in a similar situation to the rebels from star wars. so they are being hunted down and the use the bit under the casle as a strong hold.